Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Sparks of 70th Terrace

Recently, I have come to find out that Matt and I are the "neighborhood watch". Though, I cannot say I didn't see this coming. Suspicion of our current position on the block arose one evening as Matt, Beth and I turned out all the lights and ducked down below window level to observe the interactions between our neighbor "E" and her night visitor. We were even speaking in whispers, as if they might hear us through our walls, across 20 yards, and through the car's exterior. Though the whole situation was generally amusing, and we weren't taking ourselves too seriously, we were spying nonetheless.

The solidity of our position came to light the other day when speaking to our other next door neighbor, who is in the midst of selling her house. We began chatting about the neighborhood in general, and about how glad we were that our WT neighbors across the street were gone, and how we couldn't believe "E" had dated "the bachelor" from 3 houses up for so long, and how we could hear the old ladies with smoker's voices talking on the phone, outside, at 8 in the morning...who would pause to ask us "is that your dog?" This neighbor just laughed nervously as we spilled all of this information, which was really only the beginning, and says, "No, I never noticed any of this." What!? I thought everyone sat in their living room with the front blinds wide open and watched all the people do their thang.

To be continued...

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