Monday, December 24, 2012

Leah got married.

I don't know where to even begin. November 24th, 2012. My little sister got married.  My best friend got married.  Someone I have only lived without for 24 months of my entire life.  She's never known life without me.  We realized long ago how lucky we were to have been born into the same fact, we opted to room together in high school.  We had a slumber party every night, falling asleep to Frasier, or Center Stage, or Billy Elliot or just gossiping. With bunk beds - so much more room for activities! 
Being somewhat of a traditionalist, Leah insisted I give a speech at her Rehearsal dinner (I mean, I was going to give one whether she said to or not, just sayin').  I hate public speaking.  I abhor it.  I can write all day, but speak it?  In front of a {assumed} captive audience?  Suffice to say, I nearly vomited or fainted no less than a dozen times the Friday before the big day.  Matt insisted I not write it out, but just think of a few ideas, and go from the heart.  So I did.  It was easy.  My heart was so filled with love, joy and memories for my sissy.  I decided to open with a scenario that I felt exemplified our relationship from an extremely young age.  Probably too young to mention, as people may think less of my mother for letting 2 girls that young walk over a mile to Dos Hombres (now Jalapeños) for lunch without adult supervision, but it's what we did.  We could not wait for our August birthdays, when we received cash, equal to our age, from the grandparents.  We'd split the lunch special, a chicken burrito with rice and beans, and both purchase a soda - the birthday girl, being the buyer.  This relationship did nothing but evolve and mature. To this day, she is one of, if not my favorite lunch date. Or coffee date. Or happy hour date. Or shopping partner.  Or co-host of parties.  I even enjoy her friends. Now.  (They used to be REALLY girly, and REALLY annoying.  Luckily, they all seemed to grow out of all that.)  And my friends enjoy her.  Honestly, I think a lot of people prefer us as a pair.  We are fun separately, but together, the fun quadruples. Yes, genetically, we have lots of similarities.  We share a lot of preferences in fashion, food, drink, events, musicals, movies, company, art, morals, but most of all, it's our {hand gestures} sense of humor that is identical.  If you could remove my dry, cynical, heartless personality, and her emotional, bubbly, sensitive side...we'd be identical. 

When you love someone this much.  Know their heart inside and out. All you ever hope for them is happiness.  So, the day I met Neal, in the Crossroads, during First Fridays, I was ecstatic, relieved even.  They exuded happiness, excitement, comfort in one another.  My longest friend had found her match.  Someone that would know her heart even deeper than I ever could.  So, what else to do, when the wedding day finally arrived, than to celebrate?  And celebrate hard, fun, and fashionably. 
Hers was one of those weddings where no one questions it.  Everyone in attendance is thrilled.  Supportive.  Ready to party. And boy did we.  Brunch at Andres'. Mani's and Pedi's at Oak nails. Rehearsal at Carmen's (where I wasn't sure if the open mic would EVER end.  There was no shortage of love and stories for/about Lean and Neal.)  Slumber party at the Intercontinental.  A morning of beautifying.  Ceremony at Visitation.  A party bus (overwhelming Bobby Baker's).  Reception at Californos.  Sparklers (bad idea.) And the departure of Leah and Neal as husband and wife.  Love filled every moment.  With some dancing, prayer bombs, laughter, drinking, awkward moments, and great food in between. Even as I write this (nearly a year later), I remember it all vividly.  I am brought to tears, and so happy for her...
...Love you SISSY!!!!!

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