But not only does he have simple, rote memorization skills. He can incorporate these memories and use them to his advantage. Such as, last weekend, when our good friends' Gabe and Christin were over for dinner and games. Brock asked his father if he could play with his phone. Matt said, "no". Brock then turned and looked at Gabe's phone, which is identical, and asked Gabe if he could play games with his phone. Gabe said, "no, I don't have any games". Wrong move. You could immediately see the wheels spinning. Did I mention that Brock might be the world's biggest skeptic? You could tell he did not believe for a minute that an iPhone had no games. So, he sauntered off, pretending not to care that Gabe had rejected his request.
He returns moments later to inform Gabe, "You have a nice phone, I really like your phone." To which Gabe replied with a thank you. Brock then gets a little closer and says, "Does your phone have speakers?" And Gabe says, why yes. "Well, can I see them?" - HA! Are you kidding me, we were all just watching in astonishment. Brock was trying to come up with a clever way to get Gabe to hand over his phone. Gabe just pointed them out. Brock realized his plan hadn't worked and just came out with his trump card: "can I play the Balloon game?" Just as a little background, Gabe had shown Brock this game months ago. Caught in a lie. Personally, I would have accepted defeat, and handed the phone over to the kid, but Gabe said, "No, you forgot to say, please." Ugh. Darn those manners. Extremely intelligent people aren't known for their manners anyway...
...and let me add. It's a good thing Brock has fairly bright parents, because we have to constantly come up with new ways to convince that kid to do anything. Anyday he is going to start out-smarting us at every corner. I mean, he even reads the newspaper while out for a stroll. I can only hope he will use his powers for good, someday.
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