Friday, June 18, 2010

Whoa, we're halfway there...

I say "whoa" (when I think the actual lyrics might be "oohh") because I cannot believe it's already been 20 weeks! And whoa, I look preggers. I feel like I was pregnant with Brock FOREVER, and this pregnancy is flying. I am technically at the exact halfway point - but we all know, I hope this is not truly halfway, because Baby 2.0 WILL come early. I really have no significant updates, besides that 2.0 loves lunchtime. Pretty sure it does at least 5-6 full rotational flips while I am eating. Feels like we've got another crazy, energetic baby! Matt even got to feel the little one move for the first time tonight - 6 weeks earlier than with Brock! I am still feeling fabulous, considering my "delicate situation", and in comparison to the worst of it, so it's all good. Perhaps I will contemplate a 3rd child someday, perhaps. We still have quite a ways to go.

The "whoa" could also be interpreted as more of a "phew", as I successfully presented a surgical case in front of a class of KU students and a slightly, intimidating (but no more so than any coach I have dealy with) surgeon. Public speaking is absolutely not on my list of talents, but I did achieve the 2 goals I set before every presentation: 1- I did not pass out nor hyperventilate and 2-I made the audience laugh, despite the quivering vocals. Thus explaining why I am wearing business casual clothing. And though I look huge in this picture, I can actually still fit in 90% of my normal clothing, buttons and zippers are getting a bit tight, but they are still manageable.


Ashley Hall said...

Uber impressed you are still wearing your regular clothes. Enjoy the second half!

Maggie said...

you look so good! this is the first pic I've seen of you this time around that you really look like you've got a baby in there..

can't wait to see you next week.

Kaitlin said...

super cute outfit!